Monkey PiPi is suffering from pain and itching caused by a disease transmitted by another monkey, TiTi. PiPi is in visible discomfort, and a concerned individual inquires if it’s painful for PiPi to walk. PiPi’s face and body are dirty, prompting the caregiver to offer a bath and the application of medicine. The caregiver also warns PiPi not to wander too far, as Grandma might not be able to find them. the caregiver inspects PiPi for signs of a fungal infection, following a doctor’s advice to be particularly mindful of PiPi’s abdomen, which is prone to such infections. The caregiver asks PiPi to sit on a chair while they fetch the medicine. Finally, the caregiver shows interest in what Grandma is cooking. Throughout these interactions, the caregiver shows dedication to PiPi’s well-being, ensuring they are clean, medicated, and safe from wandering too far.
Monkey PiPi endures pain and itching because of the disease transmitted by TiTi